Anna’s principal goal in class is to empower follows to dance (instead of follow only). Her second goal is to make them learn how to lead…
Back home in Berlin she teaches all her classes as a leader. In these classes everybody leads and follows no matter the gender. And that changes the whole story: It enables Follows to bring as many ideas into the dance as they come up with – and the Leaders to be able to follow and build up on them.
Anna wants to offer reliable technique for joyful social dancing. Instead of teaching moves she suggest concepts of movements and how those could be altered according to the music – and personal taste: She strives to make her students trust in their own bodies’ ideas and enable them to pursue them instead of censoring. ‘Cause she wants to see happy individuals finding and expressing their genuine personalities at the dance floor – right from the start. And that’s why she especially loves to teach beginners…
Anna likes improvised social dancing and gladly leaves choreographies, competitions and shows to those who are better suited for it. She started several parties at Berlins beautiful venues (Jassy Bassy, Klunkerswing, Bellmer Balboa, the Tuesdays at Freudenzimmer…) and used to put on two weeklong events (Swing & Balboa Castle Camp) where this video was taken (more clips of her dancing here):